Friday, December 30, 2011

you make me feel like dancin'

For Christmas this year we got Just Dance 3. It is so much fun, we are constantly playing it. I thought that I would share some of our awesome dance moves with you. Actually I kept myself out this time. We also have some good stuff of Caleb as well, but that will come later.
For now, the first is of Braiden at the Ockey Christmas/Grandmas b-day/new years party.
The other is of these crazy two guys at home on Christmas. Love it!

Monday, October 24, 2011

first snow

Some of you know how I have been dreading the snow coming this year. Usually I don't really mind it, and actually do like snow - for a time. Once April hits I start to get sick of the stuff. Well, today it finally did snow a little. It honestly wasn't all that bad, mostly because it didn't last very long and it melted the second it hit the ground. Well, it made me think of a sunnier day not too long ago. It was so nice out we had to take advantage of it and play outside. Here are a couple pics from that day
Look at that bald beauty - and notice the suns light reflecting off that thing! haha

Just hangen out

It was such a nice day. I know that those days are pretty much over now for the season, and honestly I'm starting to be okay with it all. I actually got kind of excited talking about skiing with a friend earlier today. I do like all the fun stuff that we get to do in the winter - and that's what I'm gonna hold on to until the first day of spring! :)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Birthday Boy

Thursday was Braidens birthday. He turned 6 years old, it's crazy how big he is getting. We didn't do too much, we just had some birthday fun with just us. He had school and then he actually went to a friends birthday party that day. So when he got home from her party we hung out just us. It was fun! He is such a great kid and I love him like crazy!
I love the look on his face when we lit up the sparklers. And as you can see I have such talent for cake decorating, haha I just ended up doing cupcakes and then put little mario and sonic toys on the tops of them. yep, that's how I decorate.
Playing with one of his presents. I believe this is where you are supposed to be making Alien Blood. It is actually pretty cool
Blaine and Caleb having fun.
So this is a video of Caleb and Braiden later that night. Caleb is into doing this weird head-moving/ahhh thing. So I've got a little video of the boys doing it. Also check out the awesome background music, I meant for that to happen... :) Actually I'm pretty sure it's Spiderman playing, after how much we've been watching those movies lately I'm thinking that I have them all memorized now.
Happy Birthday Braiden!!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

jumping friends

I'm hoping that this video works. I'm still not really sure what I'm doing on this thing, I don't really have computer smarts. So I'm hoping you get to see it, because it is a really cute video.

During the summer I got to hang out with the all-so-awesome Kristi. She has a little boy who is exactly a week younger than Caleb. It couldn't have been better if we had planned it! So anyways, we also happen to be using the same jumper for the boys, and we thought it would be fun to have them jump together. It was so cute watching them. I have to say we've got some cute little boys. Here's hoping it works, if not - I'm going to get this thing figured out eventually and I'll repost it.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


We spent thanksgiving at mom and dads. We ended up moving our day for it since we all decided to get sick for the holiday. It was a fun day of good food and mainly just hangen out with each other. I usually make the pies and deserts for thanksgiving, but didn't this year. I was told oh so subtly from mom that she didn't want to eat anything that I'd made with my sick germs. So I got to just show up and enjoy! And I have to say that a fun part of the day was when I got to ride moms new funky bike. Took a second to get used to it, but it was pretty good once I got the hang of it. Blaine thought it was a bit to weird for him. I don't have that many pics of the day, but here are some of the highlights.
Blaine and Caleb with great-grandpa Wilde
And Caleb hangen out with great grandma Wilde
the kids outside playing. I love it when it's still nice enough to play outside. (and it's a lot more quiet in doors as well)
Caleb doing his favourite thing. walking in his walker (thanks John and Leanne!) and trying to eat whatever he is holding
Say Cheese! haha
after a bit Zack decided that he wanted me to take some funny pictures of him doing different poses
Yummy turkey and a great family always make for an awesome thanksgiving!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Standing Tall

Earlier today we were taping the edges of the wall getting it ready to paint. Caleb was hangen out beside me playing with the step stool. I looked over and he had gotten onto his knees holding onto the stool. He's done this quite a bit so I didn't think much of it. So I went back to work, and when I looked over again this is what I saw.....

He's standing!! He had gotten himself to stand up while holing onto the stool. We were so excited!!! Unfortunately no one saw him do this. We are just gonna have to keep a close eye on him so that we can actually catch him doing this.
I can't believe how big he is getting. Time is a flyen'!

Friday, September 30, 2011

It's been awhile

Well, I'm finally back on here. It's been awhile since I've posted anything. We have just mainly started getting things back into routine around here (as much of a routine as we ever have) Braiden seems to be doing good in grade 1. Of course whenever I ask him what is his favourite part of school his answer is always recess. But isn't that everyones favourite? :) This summer he started riding a bike without training wheels. He is now always saying that he is going outside to ride his "two-wheeler" He's too cute. Caleb is all over the place already. He is crawling everywhere, and I am constantly chasing after him as he's getting into everything. He's going to keep me running once he's walking. I know people seem to be so happy when there kids start walking, but honestly, I'm good with him taking his time. Although I'm pretty sure that this may not be the case with him. He is definitely a kid on the move.
Here is a pic of him at moms. It was the first time he rode without training wheels.

Caleb finding the washer and dryer very interesting. I remember Braiden doing the same thing.

I'll try and post more often than I have this month. I'll try to get to it in between chasing Caleb down!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Why oh Why?

Ok, so first I have to say that I love summer. It's by far my favourite time of year, and I believe it's way too short. I'm trying to like winter more each year by trying new winter sports - but nothing beats summer. Although I am a bit happy for routine to start, I am sad that the warm days are coming to an end. The other day we all went out boating, and it was a blast. So much fun! We thought it was supposed to rain and be cold, but it ended up being a really great day. No complaints at all here! Oh, and I put a ton of pics on as well... there was just so many to choose from. Your lucky I didn't put more on!
Sitting on the beach. Caleb liked putting his feet in the sand.
This was so funny. Braiden kept pushing Shan (and roger) around on the tube. Finally I had to join her. I have to say, it was quite nice just hangen out while the kids pushed you around. I understood why she was being such a nice aunt and letting them do that! haha :)
Caleb loved being in the water as well. I didn't think he would - I thought it might be too cold, but he seemed to really like it. And Skylar was a little fish. She didn't come out of the water until the very last minute. It looked like she was having a great time
Zack up on the skies! He did an awesome job!
Blaine skiing. He was having a blast.
Caleb loving the boat of course - and the camera. He would smile so big when I would point the camera at him, and as soon as I would put it down he had the look on his face like "why would you stop taking pictures of me? Don't you know I'm cute?"
Blaine and dad on the kneeboards. Blaine said they should play bumper boards to dad - until Blaine got bumped off! haha
On a tube ride. I just love Braidens face on this one. Don't worry, he did love it. He wanted to keep going on tube rides the whole time. He was loven it.
This was from the first tube ride of the day. Being careful on how fast we were going for Braiden - I guess we were being too careful! haha Braiden fell asleep for a bit, and Tyson looks oh so impressed. We had to kick it up a notch after this.
This was a fun ride - especially for us in the red tube. The blue one didn't seem to move much. Ours went all over the place, and we were constantly hitting the other one. Poor Tyson kept getting splashed like crazy and our tube kept landing on top of him.
Just had to put this one on. Those are fun tube rides.
It was a great day. So fun. Here's hoping for a warm September! And maybe even longer? ... one can always hope.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Think happy thoughts

One of my all-time favourite things to do is to go hiking. I LOVE IT. Last summer Blaine and I did a whole weekend of hiking and that's while I was prego and feeling so sick, but I was determined to go. It was just the two of us so we were able to do longer hikes that we wouldn't have taken Braiden on. I had a blast! Well I've been feeling a little sorry for myself since we had not gone at all this summer. So the other day we loaded up the little kidlets and headed off to fernie. It was great. We didn't do a long hike or anything, but just being out there was all that I needed. We all had a great time, the boys really liked it. Now I just have to squeeze in a bike trip to fernie and my summer will be complete!
Here we are just setting out. Can you feel the excitement?
Out by the lake
Look at that bald cutie! He loved it as well. The whole time he just smiled and laughed, and was constantly looking around. I believe I've found my kindred spirit! haha The only timed he cried was when we took him out of the backpack at the end. He was mad at us! I understood where he was coming from, I hated to go as well. It was a great time.
Yesterday was Blaines last day off this set and we just wanted to go somewhere. So again we packed up the kids and took off down to the states. We just went to Kalispell and Columbia Falls. Okay, so here is where I had to start thinking happy thought. Although the day had it's great and really fun moments, there was definitely more than it's share of "will this day ever end" moments as well. I told Blaine that I'm going to just have to remember the day as an awesome one, because I love being with my fam, and I do want to keep going on little trips like this. So Blaine and I agreed to only think happy thoughts about the day so that we don't run and scream when we decide to do this again. Isn't ignorance bliss? I believe so! Here a few moments of happy from the day - I'll spare you the rough patches.
Us at the maze. This was the only pic Braiden would look at me for... again happy thoughts!
This is how Caleb does the maze.
I love this picture.
Haven' some fun on the bumper boats
And some very serious racing.
Again I have to leave things off with a classic Braiden photo. I love this kid, he is so crazy.
We do have a great time together. Even with the rough spots I wouldn't trade any of it for anything!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

You've been forwarned

I haven't been around for a couple of weeks. Our computer decided to go crazy on us yet again, so I haven't been able to post anything. The good news is, is that we went and got a new computer. YAY!!! We finally got so fed up with our last one - I swear it spent more time getting fixed than us actually being able to use it. So here's hoping our luck is better with this one.

So our past few weeks have been busy and fun! Just warning you now that there is gonna be a lot of pics posted. So what have we been up to?
We went camping
Mom playing with the kids.
And of course, we can't leave home with out the jumper. He loves this thing
We all went for a walk and ended up playing in the river
We've also been swimming
And boating
This is a common sight. He always falls asleep on the boat. I took Caleb on the boat hoping he would do the same thing, but just the opposite happens. He wants to see what's going on, and is constantly looking for the person who is being pulled behind. Braiden doesn't even realize that he's been on a boat ride since he seems to fall asleep right away!
We also headed into Waterton. The boys look a little apprehensive about the water (it was freezing), but they were soaked soon after and loving it. Remember being a kid and seeming to have no feeling of cold water?
Caleb on his first swing ride. He was loving it, and then when we took him out he was not very happy with us! We definitely got told how mean we were. haha
Just us four also went to Fort Steele. We do this every year, we love that place.
Blaine got called up to be in one of the little skits, he got to stab Julius Ceaser. What a pro! :)
Braiden got to make a tin icicle. He thought it was pretty cool, and the guy there was really nice
And I just had to end the pics with a true Braiden pic, always pulling the faces.
We've had a couple of great weeks, we also got to go tubing down the river - both Caleb and Braidens first time. I was very grateful for a sleeping baby for most of it, and for Dad who had to keep steering us since I had my hands full with Caleb. And we also had a fun week at mom and dads with all the kids taking swimming lessons. That was a crazy and fun week - I'm sure mom would definitely agree with the crazy part!
I'll try not to take so much time with the next one, so that it's not so long; but like I said... you were warned! :)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

family visit

This past week my sister-in-law and her two girls came to visit. We don't get to see them too often because they live close to Vancouver, so it's awesome when they come over. Unfortunately I took hardly any pics while they were here, but the ones I do have are when we all went for a bike ride at Henderson - and actually Shan took these pictures. So thanks Shan! :)

Here's the lovely and always crazy fun Candise
This was actually taken on the way to see them. We stopped for a couple of minutes for a quick walk to stretch our legs... then it was on the road again to see family.

Some of us setting out.

It was a great week, and I can't wait until we get to see them again!