Monday, January 16, 2012

can you feel the excitement?

I just love Calebs reactions when he gets all excited. It is too funny , and so cute. So I've been trying to catch a good one on camera. I have seen him go crazier, but this was the best one I've got. He's about to watch baby einstein. The movie hasn't started yet, he's just watching the pre stuff - where it says disney and things like that. He's excited cause he knows what's coming. Hope it makes you smile!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Gotta get out and enjoy the snow

On Friday we went to Pincher to pick up some stuff. We ended up getting a new video game for Braiden, and let me tell you, it's an addictive one for him that's for sure! Even Blaine said it's a pretty fun game. So I'm just going to tell all of you with people in your family who are gamers... Beware the game called Skylanders! (said in a ghostly voice for dramatic effect) So anyways, friday night and Saturday morning this is the scene inside the house....
While this is the scene outside... much more appealing to me. I am not into video games, and I would rather be outside than in any day.

So Blaine and I decided it was time to head outside to have some fun. This was actually Calebs first real time heading out to play in the stuff.
We had a lot of fun sledding,building things in the snow (a lot of shoveling) and just playing. Caleb loved to just walk in the snow, and he thought it was great fun wiping snow off the car. :)
Turned out to be a great day!