Thursday, November 8, 2012

thankful for candy?

This year we changed the date to celebrate thanksgiving.  It was to make sure that we could get everyone there, so we ended up having it on the last Sunday of October.  It was a good thanksgiving.  We had a bunch of family and friends that could come.  Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of it.  I must have been having too good of a time.  The boys ended up all going into moms office to play computer.  They linked all the computers together so that they were all playing the same game.  I had to get a picture of that though.
Here are the boys playing their game.  Excuse the blur

Braiden told me after that they ended up getting 4 computers going so that Skylar could join in.  After we ate we didn't hear from them again till it was time to leave.  

A couple days later it was Halloween.  Blaine was able to get off work which he loved of course, since he loves halloween!  He took the boys out (which I love).  He was only going to take Caleb out for a block or two and then bring him home so he and Braiden could hit the town.  Ended up that Caleb figured out really quickly how awesome trick-or-treating is and didn't want to quit.  He stills hits the door and says Elmo.... his way of asking to go trick or treating again.

As you can see Braiden is Iron Man and Caleb is Elmo.  They had fun of course and had to show me all the goods they got.  It was a successful halloween!


This year for Braidens birthday he decided he wanted a birthday/halloween party.   So we started planning.  I have to say that I was actually nervous about it.  I have never planned a party at the house before, we have always done low-key things, or taken some friends out bowling - things like that.  I was really worried that I wouldn't be very good at this.  We told Braiden he could invite 7 friends since he was turning 7; and my parents came as well and my brother and his family.  It actually turned out really well.  And I have to say that I am so glad for the extra helping hands since Caleb was a little wary about what was going on (and all the kids running around) that he wanted to be held a lot. 

Here is the birthday boy before people arrived 

Here are some of the decorations for the party.  We had to go and get quite a lot of halloween stuff.  By planning this party we realized that we really don't decorate for this holiday very much.  We really didn't have anything.  

The gift bags for the kids at the end of the party.  I loved these!
 Seeing as it was also a halloween party we had everyone dress up.  Doesn't Blaine make an awesome Ernie?  haha   He decided to work his costume with Caleb who was Elmo this year.  He really wanted me to do the Bert and Ernie thing, but I guess I was a party pooper.  I ended up dressing up as a witch.

Once everyone got here we got the games going.  We hung donuts from the ceiling fan and had people try and eat them with no hands.  It was actually pretty funny to watch.

The adults had to get in the games as well.  What was so funny was that as people were trying to get the donuts the fan would start turning and everyone would end up having to chase the donuts down as well.  It was hilarious to watch.  Blaine said it reminded him of horses being led by carrots.

Some more donut chasing.
 One of Braidens favourite games it one that we always played on Christmas at my Grandma and Grandpa Wildes house.  The one where you wrap up a present a whole bunch of times.  And you are madly trying to unwrap it while the next person rolls the dice to get a six, so that it becomes their turn. Braiden asked if we could play that game so of course we did.  Blaine even found skeleton gloves to use.  (you gotta always put on gloves to play - I think my grandma also had us put on the toque and scarf as well)

Caleb checking it all out.  He really wanted to get into the dice game.

Braiden chowing down on some good food.  We had mummy pizzas and halloween cupcakes.  

The party ended up being really fun, and it seemed as though everyone had a great time.  I hope they did.  After everyone went home we had to have some extra fun here.  We ended up keeping the three cousins over night.  We had an awesome time.  We played just dance 4 and watched halloween movies - cartoon ones.  I wasn't into giving anyone nightmares.  It was a really great day.  I had to get a video of the guys dancing.  I love the way Zack really gets into it - too cute.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

A week of Birthdays

This week in October is always a busy one for us.  We have both Braiden and Blaines birthdays.  We started off the birthdays last Friday.  We headed up to Calgary and went to the temple open house.  It is beautiful!  And I have to put a shout-out to my amazingly talented sis-in-law Candise who worked on the temple for months.  She worked on the decorative painting on the ceilings.  The gold paint of the wheat and roses and other things.  I'm not describing it very well at all, but all I can say is that she did an amazing job!  Oh to have that talent!

After the temple we met up with Blaines mom and sister at the zoo.  We haven't been able to get there this summer so we were so excited to finally check out the penguins!  They are very cool - we all loved them.
Here is Braiden checking out some of the penguins.

We always have to check out the dinosaurs.  If you notice the lovely sign that tells you not to climb on the dinosaurs.  What a bunch of law-breakers we are eh?  :)

Checking out the gorillas.  Always a favourite

Caleb and Emily watching the big gorilla.  Caleb just loved the zoo.  He loves animals, so every animal brought on a lot of excitement. 

We went into the building that housed all the butterflies.  At first I was a little hesitant, but in actuality it was very cool.  Here is a picture of a HUGE moth that was in there.  The picture doesn't do it justice.  It was massive!!

We stayed in Calgary that night and then the next morning was Braidens birthday!!  First thing of course we had to do was open presents.  Always the best part of a birthday right?

A very happy birthday boy!

Later that day we met up with family again and went bowling - Braidens choice.  It was a lot of fun.
After bowling we got to meet up with some more family at Boston Pizza.  When I asked Braiden how his birthday was he answered "Best Birthday Ever!!!"   haha

I think this picture is hilarious!  He looks like a devil child.  We took this the night of Braidens birthday so I figure it's ok to put in.  Besides, I just love it...can't help it....

Today is Blaines Birthday!!!   We absolutely love this guy - he is the best!
He got off work this morning and came home to a very excited little boy (ok, and wife) all ready to give him his presents - Caleb was still sleeping.  It also made it exciting because we hadn't seen him for a few days; but that is an entirely different story

So here he is opening cards.  Braiden waiting sorta patiently for him to open everything.

We have "the" present for Blaine but it is one of those presents that he has to be there to help choose.  So we had to get him a couple presents that he could unrap on his Birthday.   Or you just couldn't call it a b-day.

Opening up his couple of presents.  He really liked his presents (which always makes us happy too)  He was so pumped about the level.  Kinda funny - oh the things that make people happy!  His actually went missing a few years ago, so he has been wanting a new one ever since.  

We are so lucky and blessed to have these guys in our family.  They are amazing people and we love them so much!!!

Happy Birthday Blaine and Braiden!!!

Monday, October 15, 2012

planning ahead

Something that I have to do everyday that I'm not a huge fan of doing is making supper.  It is one of those things that I just really don't enjoy doing; and what I actually dislike even more is the whole "what am I going to make for supper tonight?" which always happens around 4:00.  Awhile ago my oh-so-awesome Aunt Ros had posted about how she had made some freezer meals for the week and how easy it was to do.  I have done this before, but the last time I did it was right before I was about to have Caleb, and I did about 7 or so.... I think....  So anyways, I decided that I was going to plan out a day and get a whole months worth in the freezer.  

So I sat down at the computer and found a bunch of recipes, went shopping then got to work.  My original plan was to make 30 meals.  After searching my brain and the internet for meals I ended up with 26, and I figured that was just going to have to do because I really was sick of searching.  
It was awesome.  I made sure that Blaine was home so that I didn't have to worry about the kids, and I have to put in a bit of praise in for my amazing hubby.  He made sure that I barely even saw the kids, and that I was able to just concentrate on getting my stuff done.  I couldn't have done any of it without him, that's for sure.     

Here is a pic of most of the meals I made.  I only had 6 left to do!

I love that all I have to do now is go into the freezer the night before and pick what we are going to have for supper the next day.  
I already have it planned to do another freezer meal day next month and this time it's gonna be with my mom.  Best idea ever!!

** As a side note - while I was doing the cooking I remembered that my sis-in-law did this once a while ago.  I probably should have talked to her before doing this... next time I'll be calling you Candise!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Strong Kid

To begin with I have to write that we have known for some time that Caleb is quite strong.  He has got this death grip that is insane!    And now to jump to something else (it will all make sense later)  we also have this cupboard full of movies.  And what else could bring more joy to an 18 month old than a whole bunch of dvds to open and destroy?  Can't think of anything.  In order to keep the movies safe from his little hands, we use one of Blaines ties to tie the handles together so the doors can't be opened. Caleb tries quite often to open them, and can usually get it open enough to try and reach his hand in to grab one.  Today he accomplished much more.  

He broke the door!!!  

If you look close the hinges are still attached but the door is actually broken!  Crazy!  We were so shocked, all we could do is laugh.  I think some strong man competitions might be in his future...

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A first

Today was the first day of grade 2 for Braiden.  He's getting so big!  To say that he has not been looking forward for school to start would be an understatement.  I'm pretty sure that there are not to many people who completely loved school - except for my mom of course....  I do remember for me that I was always at least excited for the first day, and then after that it seemed to loose it's appeal for the rest of the year.  But not my kid, this morning he even said that I should homeschool him; until I explained that he would still have to do the work, just not get recess with his friends!  He decided he would go to school.  haha  

Unfortunately I did not take the best pictures of him this morning.  Here he is though - ready to go to school.

Later this afternoon just while we were doing our regular home stuff, Caleb was walking around drinking from his bottle.  Soon I saw him lie down on the floor so I went over to check and this is what I saw.  
How cute is he?

Monday, September 3, 2012

Last of the summer updates

This is the last of the catch up blogs.  It's a lot of pics of all sorts of things we did during the summer.  
A couple pics of playing at the park at Henderson.   I love these couple of pictures. It's this little cup looking thing that spins around.

Here is Braiden spinning...  Then trying to stand up...
                           And lastly - landing on his butt!

 Caleb playing on another spinning contraption, which had ropes that you could climb up as well.  I don't get the whole wanting to spin thing.. I have always thought that they are the worst.  But the boys seem to love them.

One afternoon we hit up the Birds of Prey centre.  I had not been there since I was young - and it was with the Chicago cousins back then too!
Here we are about to feed the ducks.  I know you can't see any here, but there were a bunch of them.  Caleb especially loved them - he kept chasing them and tried to jump into the water after them.  He is starting to get quite the fascination with animals, and mainly with birds.

The ones who wanted to, got to hold an owl.  It was pretty cool, and Caleb got to pet the owl.  

At the little indoor centre they had a big open room.  Perfect for little guys to run around in.

Here are Caleb and Kent running around - Caleb thought it was great fun to run after him.

This summer my brother got a new trampoline, and so he gave the old one to my parents.  It is a huge hit with all the kids.  And it's always that much better when you have a sprinkler under it.
Braiden and Clarke jumping

We had to make sure that the smaller guys got to take a turn as well.  So they could have it all to themselves. 

While we were in Banff we stopped for a bit at the hot springs.  It was a little pool that was BOILING! I know that is the whole point, but I'm not much of a hot tub person and am done with them pretty quick.  Also we were expecting something like that is at Fairmont, but it was just this little pool.  Oh well.  Lesson learned...

A couple pics of us camping.  It was a pretty nice campground, except for the poor tenters.  they had quite the adventure, and Mother Nature was not kind to them at all!

The kids up to something at the campsite.  They seemed to always find something fun to do.

On our way back from Banff we stopped at the Kananaskis village for a little bit.   Just so we could stretch our legs.
All the kids posing for a picture - and mainly just trying to appease us adults. 
 Blaine and Caleb by the pond thing they had.

This is what Caleb usually looked like when he was by the water.   He just couldn't figure out why we wouldn't let him jump in.  The kid can't go by any water without wanting to dive right in.

Braiden and Tyson climbing on some more rocks

Braiden striking a pose 
 Caleb actually not moving!  This only lasted about 30 seconds...

So there is the end of the summer updates.   This past week I really have felt like the countdown was on for the end of summer.  Here is just hoping that winter stays away for awhile longer.